Showing 48 result(s)

Remote Work Site with Advanced Mobile Menu | Intermediate HTML, CSS & JavaScript CHALLENGE!

Check out the final result: out the source code: Desktop Design This challenge had a few key steps. I started with the basic Desktop Layout and perfecting that. This required extensive use of the CSS Grid, something that I’m not overly familiar with, in combination with Flexbox, a tool I have a lot …

Creative Agency Front Page | Intermediate HTML CSS JavaScript CHALLENGE!

Check out the final result: out the GitHub repo: A larger scale project. Using both CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid to achieve this amazing final result! This meant a lot of media queries to enable the webpage to be mobile friendly. Again, a no framework build, just pure CSS, HTML and JavaScript. The …

Frontend Mentor Challenge: Interactive Ratings Component – HTML, CSS, JS

Check out the final result: out the GitHub repo: My first proper interactive challenge. The challenge here was state management, featuring a very simple layout, with very little changing between mobile and desktop versions. I set myself the additional challenge to build this entire project in pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No frameworks …

Frontend Mentor Challenge: Perfume Product Preview – HTML & CSS FlexBox

Check out the final result: out the GitHub repo: Responsive Mobile Design is the name of the game with this challenge. Although very similar to last weeks challenge, this one had the added complexity of layout changes when switching between Mobile and Desktop view. Using the magic of flexbox this is no problem, …