NC500: Day 1

I recently had the joy of doing the NC500 with my dad, we had been planning to do this for a few years, but finally all the stars aligned and we managed to organise things, I was meant to take the car with all our stuff, with my dad taking his bike from Germany, riding …

Remote Work Site with Advanced Mobile Menu | Intermediate HTML, CSS & JavaScript CHALLENGE!

Check out the final result: out the source code: Desktop Design This challenge had a few key steps. I started with the basic Desktop Layout and perfecting that. This required extensive use of the CSS Grid, something that I’m not overly familiar with, in combination with Flexbox, a tool I have a lot …

Creative Agency Front Page | Intermediate HTML CSS JavaScript CHALLENGE!

Check out the final result: out the GitHub repo: A larger scale project. Using both CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid to achieve this amazing final result! This meant a lot of media queries to enable the webpage to be mobile friendly. Again, a no framework build, just pure CSS, HTML and JavaScript. The …

Frontend Mentor Challenge: Interactive Ratings Component – HTML, CSS, JS

Check out the final result: out the GitHub repo: My first proper interactive challenge. The challenge here was state management, featuring a very simple layout, with very little changing between mobile and desktop versions. I set myself the additional challenge to build this entire project in pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No frameworks …